At this critical time in our country...Christians need to use their best weapon...THE WORD OF GOD.
Frustrated with fruitless conversations...and certainly finding that ARGUMENTS don't work (the Word says so)...we really need to use what God has already told us is all we need...HIS WORD.
Here's a sobering reality: If you don't have faith in the are not useful in this fight. Only those who TRULY TRUST GOD'S WORD are recruited for this fight.
In my experience, it's not enough to 'paraphrase'.
Here's another sobering reality: If we're too LAZY to study and dig for useful scriptures to apply in this fight, we are part of the problem...we are the one's God is referring to in 2nd Chronicles 7:14. Also --- we are instructed to 'hide the Word' in our hearts...which also takes TIME.
Here's another sobering reality: the devil...our true enemy...KNOWS what the Word says...and he's not at all moved by what we THINK or HOPE it says. He is ONLY DEFEATED by the spoken Word coming out of a TRUE Believer's FAITH. my own experience...this takes EFFORT...and can be exhausting...leading to laziness! my experience again...IT WORKS!!!
I personally want to go into November 3 this year with a confidence that I did all I could do.
My instuctions come from the Word...which says "He watches over it to perform".
The outcome is God's and God's alone...BUT --- He DID SAY --- "If MY People...".